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Position: Retail Store Supervisor

Job Description

  • Spend most of time in owned and franchised stores to identify opportunities to improve overall performance and to plan, secure approval for and implement performance improvement strategies 大多時間需在各門市店櫃出差巡店以協助提升店點銷售及各方面表現

  • To supervise and train existing staff to improve and enhance product knowledge, selling skills and visual merchandising for an overall improved store execution and experience 管理及督核形象店人員確認產品知識、銷售技巧、陳列、服務、清潔等執行狀況。

  • To use your existing network and other recruitment channels to recruit new and improved front line staff when and where this is needed in both company owned and partner stores 協助招募符合公司及品牌要求的零售專櫃人員及持續提升人員專業及服務品質

  • Ensure that all directives for floor sets are executed on time and within allowable hours and present photo reports to management and our brand principals as required from time to time 督導專櫃門市依據公司之既定政策,標準作業程序執行從事前台各項零售及服務工作。

  • Improve and set the standards for a consistent and elevated customer experience 持續提升及制定統一的客戶服務標準及流程

  • Help identify opportunities for expansion of our retail network either through new company owned or franchise doors 協助尋求直營及經銷商自營之門市及專櫃展店機會

  • Set the example by demonstrating everyday how to engage with customers and providing superior customer service and selling skills and flawless operational standards 督導形象店提升業績、銷售、及服務相關各項指標,達成公司營運目標。

  • Support partners to plan in-store promotions for peak days 貨聯繫函、各類促銷檔期提案



  • A passion for customer service and a demonstrated experience in driving this at retail 對服務顧客有熱情及多年扎實相關經驗

  • Attention to detail coupled with the highest execution standards. 注重細節並要求高標

  • Retail business comprehension 對零售業有完整的了解

  • Strong fashion sense in fashion accessories products 對各種流行配件有高度了解及敏感度

  • Flexible work schedule 能接受配合百貨有彈性的工作時間

  • Excellent interpersonal & communication skills 優秀的人際溝通技巧

  • Over 5 years relevant experience in retail shop management preferably in major international high-end or fashion accessories brands. 在國際精品或是國際流行配件品牌有五年以上店櫃主管經驗

  • Basic reading and spoken in English is preferred英文閱讀及聽說中等程度尤佳


Note: This position is only open to local candidates.

If you’re interested in joining our dynamic team please submit your CV to

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